Licensing, Education, Advocacy Practice (LEAP) Program

LEAP Program

What is the LEAP Program?

BCNU's Licensing, Education, Advocacy Practice (LEAP) Program was established in 1988 to assist and advocate for members with matters related to professional practice complaints to the British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM), as well as those related to licensing challenges, mental health concerns and substance use disorders.

The LEAP Program provides funding for independent medical and competency assessments, and will represent you throughout the BCCNM complaint process.

LEAP Program services include:

  • Education and support with the initial complaint response.
  • Representation and advocacy throughout the BCCNM investigations process.
  • Funding costs associated with attending required meetings and hearings.
  • Referrals to medical assessments, and payment of associated fees and travel costs.
  • Covering some costs associated with medical monitoring.
  • Educational expenses for nursing skills assessments or mandated courses.
  • Negotiating complaint resolution agreements.
  • Act as a liaison with employers and related parties to assist with a return to work.

NEW INTERACTIVE LEARNING MODULE: Learn more about how Licensing, Education, Advocacy Practice (LEAP) Program assists members through the BC College of Nurses & Midwives (BCCNM) complaints process.



All BCNU members are eligible to apply for LEAP Program advocacy and expense coverage.

If you answer 'yes' to any of the following statements, or if you are unsure, please contact the LEAP intake assistant as soon as possible:

  • You, your colleague(s) or employer are concerned about your fitness to practice. This may include physical or mental health conditions, such as substance use or mood disorders.
  • Concerns have been raised about your competency to practice.
  • A formal complaint was made against your nursing practice.
  • You are having difficulty obtaining a practicing license.
  • You have failed the NCLEX-RN, REx-PN (formerly CPNRE), or RPNCE.


LEAP Program Resources and Contacts

To apply for the LEAP Program, please complete the LEAP application and authorization form. If you have questions about your eligibility for the program, or require a PDF application form, please contact the LEAP intake assistant directly:
604-433-2268 or 1-800-663-9991

LEAP Program
BC Nurses' Union
4060 Regent Street
Burnaby, BC  V5C 6P5


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