Strategic Nurse Staffing Committees

BCNU and the health authorities are actively collaborating on a shared commitment to address long-term staffing needs for the authorities and Providence Health Care. This collaboration has created the Strategic Nurse Staffing Committee (SNSC) which replaces the Nurse Relations Committee. (Refer to Appendix II.1 Memorandum of Agreement - Strategic Nurse Staffing Committee in the 2019 - 2022 NBA Provincial Collective Agreement.)

You'll find an SNSC at each Health Authority and Providence Health Care. Each SNSC is composed of six members: 

  • 3 appointed by the employer, one of which is a senior operational leader 
  • 3 appointed by the Union, one of which will be a labour relations coordinator

Each SNSC may include other representatives to assist or provide expertise as mutually agreed to by committee members. One member from the employer and one member from BCNU will be selected as co-chairs.

The purpose of the SNSCs is to work together on nurse workforce planning including trends, activities and initiatives related to: 

  • Regularization of hours
  • Recruitment and retention strategies
  • Regular relief positions (and other relief needs)
  • Nurse education and training (including specialty nursing)
  • Seasonal strategies
  • Annual vacation
  • Substantial health service delivery initiatives
  • Other organization wide staffing matters

SNSC Meetings by Health Authority 

Future SNSC meetings have been postponed as resources are devoted to supporting members during the current COVID-19 pandemic. To view past SNSC meeting updates, including committee membership, please visit the pages below.   

2022-2025 NBA Provincial Collective Agreement
Orange cover of the 2022 - 2025 Provincial Collective Agreement
2019 - 2022 NBA Provincial Collective Agreement
Cover of NBA Contract

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