Steward Elections

BCNU conducts steward elections every three years per Policy 5.6.1. Stewards - Election. A new three-year term began July 1, 2022.
Voting closed Friday, June 10, 2022. All voting took place electronically using a third-party voting service provider, VOGO.
Stewards play key leadership roles in the organization, and their election by peers embodies the member-driven values and democratic principles BCNU is founded on.
Whether you work in the community, in an acute care setting or in long-term care facilities, BCNU stewards can help members address problems and communicate crucial information about issues concerning their worksite and their profession.
BCNU stewards also convey the ideals of BCNU and articulate the union's vision of improving the working life, well-being and economic status of members while being an advocate for public health care. In doing so, stewards inspire and mobilize members at their worksite.
Between elections, if you are interested in becoming a steward please review Policy 5.6.2. - Steward Appointments.