Current Campaigns and Initiatives

Illustration of nurse with patients

Ratios Save Lives

BCNU is championing minimum nurse-to-patient ratios (mNPR), a staffing standard of one nurse for every four patients in medical/surgical units, 24/7. British Columbia will become the first province in Canada to establish mNPR. LEARN MORE.

Not Okay Campaign TOC

Not Okay

Nurses providing care are subjected to serious health and safety risks every day – and it’s not okay. LEARN MORE.

portrait of female nurse

Help BC Nurses

Nurses in BC need help. BCNU has launched a campaign to bring awareness to the nursing shortage, and urge the public and the government to support nurses in BC. LEARN MORE.

A female nurse

Long-Service Pay Recognition

Many members covered under the Nurses’ Bargaining Association (NBA) collective agreement who have reached 15-, 20-, 25- and 30-year milestones in their career are now eligible for long-service pay rates (also known as “Add Pay”). LEARN MORE.

A senior and a nurse sitting together

Seniors Deserve Better

Nurses’ unions across the country are calling for coordinated action on seniors’ care. Join us by sending a strong message calling for more investments to fix the crisis in long-term care. LEARN MORE.



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