WorkSafeBC Compensation Benefits

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are injured or become ill as a result of your work, you may be eligible for WorkSafeBC benefits, including healthcare expenses and wage loss compensation.

If you're injured at work:

  • Immediately notify your supervisor or manager.
  • Seek first aid or medical attention. Tell your doctor the injury or illness is work related.
  • If you have a needlestick injury, or other blood or bodily fluid exposure, seek treatment at a hospital within two hours.
  • Start a WorkSafeBC compensation claim by completing the required forms or by calling your employer's incident reporting line. Keep a record of all completed forms.
  • Contact a BCNU OH&S steward.
  • You should soon be contacted by your manager to participate in an accident investigation. This will help identify the incident's cause and may prevent a re-occurrence.

Mental Disorder Presumption Legislation

Mental disorder presumption legislation is a change to the  Workers Compensation Act  which fast-tracks the claims process for workers in eligible occupations seeking to access support and compensation for their mental disorders. It presumes that a formal diagnosis of a mental disorder is a reaction to traumatic events arising out of, and in the course of, a worker's employment.

When initially introduced in summer 2018, this language only applied to police officers, firefighters, correctional officers, sheriffs and emergency medical assistants (paramedics). Immediately, BCNU called for nurses to be included in this legislation.

Following considerable advocacy by individual nurses, BCNU, and other health-care organizations, the government amended the list of eligible occupations on April 16, 2019, to include all nurses regulated by the BC College of Nurses and Midwives. Emergency dispatchers and care aides have also been included.

Frequently Asked Questions


Claim Denied?

If WorkSafeBC denies your claim, and you want to appeal, contact BCNU immediately. The appeal process is complex and includes strict timelines, but WorkSafeBC advocates are available to support and represent you.

Contact BCNU at 604-433-2268 or 1-800-663-9991 for the name of the WorkSafeBC advocate assigned to your region.

Permanent Disability Evaluation Schedule (PDES) report

Permanent Disability Evaluation Schedule (PDES) report appendices

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