Your Health and Safety Rights
All workers in BC have the overall right to a safe workplace. Specifically, you have:
The Right to Know
Your employer must inform and educate you about any workplace hazards you may be exposed to. Your Joint OHS (JOHS) Committee also has a duty to communicate with employees and management on a wide range of safety issues. Minutes of JOHS meetings are available to all employees. Inspection reports and worksite monitoring results should also be made accessible.
The Right to Participate
You have the right to participate in OHS activities at your workplace. The right to participate ensures that employees have input into decisions affecting their health and safety, through their OHS steward or directly through their supervisor or manager.
The Right to Refuse Unsafe Work
You have the right to refuse, free from fear of discipline or retaliation, any work you consider an undue hazard. In refusing unsafe work, you must follow specific steps outlined in OHS Regulation Part 3.12-3.13. Go to the Right to Refuse Unsafe Work page for more information.
The Right to No Discrimination
You have the right to exercise your health and safety rights and responsibilities free from discrimination.
For more information, please contact your OHS steward.
Safety - Demand It
It's Your Right
You have the right to a safe and healthy workplace. That includes the right to return home at the end of your shift as healthy as when you arrived.