Enhanced Disability Management Program

The Enhanced Disability Management Program (EDMP) is a pro-active, customized disability management program. It is designed to support members suffering from an occupational or non-occupational illness or injury. EDMP participants will have a holistic case management plan that may include medical intervention, transitional work, a graduated return to work, workplace modifications and vocational rehabilitation or training.  

Members covered under the NBA are eligible for EDMP if they:

  • miss one shift due to work-related illness or injury, or 
  • miss five consecutive shifts due to non-work-related illness or injury.

Employees who are struggling at work and casual employees may also be referred or self-refer to the program.  

EDMP participants receive regular reviews and monitoring. Support is provided for those returning to work or transitioning to long-term disability (LTD) benefits.  

If you have any questions regarding EDMP, please contact your BCNU regional representative. To look up your EDMP representative, log in to the BCNU Member Portal. Your EDMP representative is found under the 'Contacts' tab. 

Policies and Procedures


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