
The BC Nurses' Union Fund

Through your contributions, we are able to make meaningful and lasting impacts in our communities.

The BC Nurses' Union has set up a fund with the Vancouver Foundation* as a legacy and way to effectively ensure a consistent stream of income can be used to support priority giving areas.   

BCNU is proud to support student nurse opportunities like Canadian Nursing Student's Association, professional development for members through BC Patient Safety & Quality Council's Quality Forum, humanitarian and disaster relief efforts and fundraising campaigns. 

*Currently, Vancouver Foundation administers the funds of more than 400 charitable agencies of all sizes and types across British Columbia.


Tribute Gifts

Consider making a gift in memory or in honour of a loved one by making a donation, with the option to send a personalized eCard**. Donors can also take this opportunity to acknowledge the care they've received from a nurse. Donations over $25 will receive an electronic tax receipt. 

** eCards are a digital alternative to mailed greeting cards. An eCard allows you to donate to the BC Nurses' Union Fund online, while also sending out a personal greeting to family, friends, loved ones or acquaintances through email. 


Giving Priorities - Sponsorship and Donations 

BCNU selects its sponsorship and donations after a careful review against its strategic directions and annual priority giving areas. Organizations that enhance our professional voice of nursing, build relationships, advance clinical practice, provide education and mentorship, research and leadership in nursing, as well as address societal inequities in our communities help to guide our funding decisions.

The 2023 giving priorities focus on health (with a preference for benefits to nurse mental and physical well-being); inclusion, diversity and equity; and public education. 

Since inception, BCNU has provided financial support to dozens of organizations including recent contributions to BC Patient Safety & Quality Council, Canadian Nursing Students’ Association, Red Cross, and YWCA Metro Vancouver. 

Research and Fellowship Funding

To promote evidence-based research for innovation within nursing, BCNU is proud to offer collaborative support to research projects that align with the union's core values. BCNU has supported various projects and initiatives; providing funding, consultation, in-kind donations and letters of support. Read more here

Bursaries and Funding

Funding requests that support individual nurses and nurse students can be found on the bursaries and funding BCNU webpage.


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