Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions Scholarship Fund

Application form

The Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU) Scholarship Fund was established following a resolution passed at the 2007 biennial convention. This $1,000 scholarship is intended to assist students in accredited nursing education programs throughout Canada. It is hoped that students who choose to access this scholarship will show nursing leadership within their provincial nurses’ unions. One applicant will receive the scholarship fund each year.

BCNU is offering the scholarship fund following the union’s formal return to CFNU, Canada’s largest community of unionized nurses. CFNU is currently made up of nine provincial nurses’ unions. Since 1981, the federation has advocated for nurses’ priorities and federal engagement in health care.

Eligibility Requirement

Applicants must: 

  • Be a BCNU dues-paying member, BCNU student member or a BCNU internationally educated nurse (IEN) associate member.  
    Sign up to be a BCNU student member or a BCNU IEN associate member. Membership is free. If you have already signed up, but do not have your BCNU student ID number or your BCNU IEN associate member ID number, email the BCNU Membership Department. Your application will not be processed without your BCNU member ID number, BCNU student ID number or your BCNU IEN associate member ID number.
  • Be enrolled in a nursing program in BC as of Sept. 15.
  • Intend to stay and work in BC as a nurse after graduation.
  • Submit an essay between 250 to 750 words that answers the question: "What does nursing leadership within a nurses’ union look like to you?”
  • Grant permission to CFNU and/or BCNU to publish their name, essay, and/or picture.

If you have applied for and received funding from this bursary in the past, you are not eligible to apply again. 

Application Process

Applications are open from January to Sept. 15. The application deadline is Sept. 15.

Complete the online application form which includes an associated waiver when applying for the scholarship fund.

The BCNU Bursary Committee will randomly draw eligible applicants for the bursary after the deadline. Decisions of the Bursary Committee are final.

Notification emails will be sent to the randomly drawn bursary recipient near the end of October. Please ensure you check your junk mail folders.

Award Disbursement

Applicants meeting the eligibility requirements will be entered into a random draw for the bursary. The successful applicant will be notified by email with instructions and will be required to provide their social insurance number (SIN) for tax purposes as well as proof of enrolment and fees/tuition paid before funds are released.

For more information about the CFNU Scholarship fund, please email 


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