Member Education

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BCNU has learning opportunities available for all members. Workshops, conferences and other educational events are an important way to enhance your knowledge, connect with other members and get involved with the union.

Members are the heart and soul of BCNU. Our union grows strong through member participation. That is why we support our members by providing education that is practical, relevant and accessible. Our workshops, learning modules and conferences are interactive and engaging, enhancing members' confidence and competence.

Interactive Learning Modules 

Who is BCNU provides an overview of the Union, introduces the supports and services available to BCNU members, and provides an understanding of the resources every member.

Disability Management: EDMP, WCB, & LTD provides an introduction to the various services BCNU provides to its members who need assistance or are off of work due to medical issues.

Pensions 101 explains why your pension is important, how it works and what you need to know before you retire. 

Licensing, Education, Advocacy and Practice (LEAP) Program provides an overview of the LEAP Program, which assists members through the BC College of Nurses & Midwives (BCCNM) complaints process.

Robert's Rules of Order are intended to provide structure to union meetings, including regional meetings. Following Robert's Rules of Order allows everyone to be heard and decisions to be made democratically without confusion.

Joint Nurses' Bargaining Association (NBA) Professional Responsibility (PR) Process assists members and managers in understanding the current PR Process contained in the 2019-2022 NBA Collection Agreement.

Workshops and Courses Open To All Members

Workshops and Courses with Specific Eligibility Requirements

Member Education

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