Steward Resource Toolkit

The Steward Resource Toolkit provides comprehensive information for stewards to support them in their role. 

Union representatives are also encouraged to share these resources with members to support their own self-advocacy.

The toolkit includes online education modules, tips and templates – all available at your fingertips 24/7. Documents in the online toolkit have been organized into the following sections:

Education modules will no longer work for members using Internet Explorer 11. 

Internet Explorer 11 was retired on June 15, 2022. For more information, visit the Microsoft website.

Are Your Resources Current?

The best practice for using these resources is to access them online so you know you are always using current information.

If printing or saving resources, always ensure you are referring to the most current version.

New additions and updated resources will be identified quarterly through the Steward eNews.

If you are NOT receiving updates, news, and events emailed to you, log in to the BCNU Member Portal and update your information.