Our Regional Leadership

BCNU Regions

BCNU is organized into 16 regions. They're based on where you work. Most regions are set by geography. In Vancouver, they're based on specific worksites including the large urban hospitals.

In this section, you can view a complete list of the regional council members who sit on BCNU Council. You can also meet the regional executive teams that are elected by members to represent them at a more local level by attending regional meetings. Members of the regional executive teams play a key role in supporting the initiatives established by Council at a local level. 

All positions are three-year terms, and are won by secret ballot elections held across the province in all regions.

Regional Executive Positions

Review the job description for each position on your regional executive by clicking on the links below.  

Constitution & Bylaws
Constitution and Bylaws
Annual Report
Annual Report Cover 2023-2024

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