Crucial Conversations

Crucial Conversations helps members recognize high-stakes situations before they escalate into crises. This course provides stewards and Joint Occupational Health and Safety (JOHS) committee representatives with the methods needed to bring interactions back to a safe place when they have taken a turn for the worse.

Participants complete learning activities relevant to their work while gaining dialogue skills to achieve shared objectives with respect. The techniques are easy to learn and can be practiced in small steps until mastered, helping transform stewards’ and JOHS committee representatives’ ability to communicate effectively.

Course Format

Blended Learning: Online learning activities and two in-person live sessions

Course Requirements

Participants must currently be registered as an active steward or a JOHS committee representative (confirmation required).

Participants are selected based on experience and previous education. Space is limited.

Salary Reimbursement

There is salary reimbursement for two live sessions. Please apply to your employer for union leave to receive salary reimbursement after your application for the course has been approved using the Union Leave Request form on the BCNU website. Learn more about How to submit your Member Expense Form for salary reimbursement


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