Evelyn Hood Benevolent Fund

This fund is for members in severe financial crisis. Up to $1,500 per member, in a one-time donation is available. If you receive money from the fund and later can pay it back (either in full or in part), you may make a contribution, which will be available for other members in need. Contributions can be sent to the BCNU Provincial Office, at:

BC Nurses' Union
Attention: Evelyn Hood Administrator
4060 Regent Street Burnaby, BC V5C 6P5

Eligibility and Process
  • You must have no source of income.
  • You must be in need and have exhausted vacation, sick time and banked overtime.
  • You must be referred by your Regional Council Member; there are no self-referrals.

If you are a BCNU member and would like to be considered for this donation, please contact your Regional Council Member.


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