COVID-19 Resources

BCNU continues to support members through the COVID-19 pandemic. A number of tools and resources have been developed throughout the pandemic to answer questions related to occupational health and safety concerns and labour relations issues that have arisen since the onset of the pandemic.
Please review the following resources:
- COVID-19: Guide for Members
- COVID-19: Your OHS Rights
- Leaves and Compensation
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Applying the Precautionary Principle
- BCNU Position Statement on PPE
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Point-of-Care Risk Assessment
In addition to the above resources, a guide for BCNU stewards, health and safety representatives and JOHS committee members is below.
Guide for BCNU Stewards
Confirm the employer has site-specific engineering and administrative controls to minimize risk of exposure.
Know the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) available for workers at your site, and any related policies and procedures for PPE usage.
Follow up with BCNU members to find out if they are trained in administrative and engineering controls, and effective use of PPE.
If you know BCNU members who may be at high risk of exposure to communicable diseases (e.g. Emergency Room nurses, Public Health nurses) who don’t have updated mask fit testing, formally request testing ASAP.
Encourage members to request applicable training in the exposure control plan, developed to minimize risk of exposure.
Inform members of their right to refuse unsafe work in accordance with Section 3.12 of OHS Regulation.
Facilitate a BCNU steward and JOHS rep meeting to discuss action planning.
Guide for BCNU Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee Members
Add COVID-19 to your next JOHS Committee meeting agenda.
To prompt discussion at your meeting, consider the following:
Review Section 5.1 - 5.2, 5.54 and 6.33 – 6.40 of the OH&S Regulation as a committee . Then, confirm the employer is compliant with each subsection—especially related to communication to workers.
Does the employer have a site-specific exposure control plan for COVID-19, and a plan to inform workers
Request the worksite’s plan to keep employees safe if a worker is infected. Ask for the written procedure to share with all employees.
Request mask fit testing records of all workers in the facility. Follow up on those who have not been fit tested in the last year.
Communicate with the steward team at your site and coordinate activities and communication with the employer.
Ensure all key discussion points, action items and related timelines are documented clearly in the minutes.
Follow up with members at your facility to find out if they have concerns, fears or any requests related to COVID-19.
Document your conversations with members.
Reach out to your regional OHS rep for assistance in determining a plan of actions to address concerns.
Guide for Regional Occupational Health and Safety Representative
Know your Health Authority’s pandemic response plan and refer to it when supporting members with site specific issues.
Connect with the JOHS Committee reps in your region to support their JOHS Committee discussions and activities related to COVID-19.
Keep the Union head office and executive in the loop on regional/site updates.
Facilitate conversations between site stewards and site JOHS Committee reps.
BCNU Member Safety and Support Phone Line
Leave a message with the OHS Department and have staff return your call between the hours of 0900 - 1700, Monday to Friday.
Or call toll-free, at 1-800-663-9991