NBA Provincial Bargaining Committee

The Nurses' Bargaining Association (NBA) Provincial Bargaining Committee plays a critical role in negotiating the terms and conditions of work for nurses in British Columbia. This committee consists of seven elected members who represent acute care (four positions), community (two positions) and long-term care (one position).

These members, along with BCNU’s leadership, sit at the bargaining table with representatives from health employers and the provincial government to negotiate the provincial collective agreement.

Your BCNU NBA Provincial Bargaining Committee Members

  • Adriane Gear, Chair
  • Jo-Anna Haner, Long-term Care
  • Tracy Gadsby, Community Care
  • Carly Koeppen, Community Care
  • Jereme Bennett, Acute Care - Large Facilities
  • Roy Hansen, Acute Care - Large Facilities
  • Scott Duvall, Acute Care - Medium Facilities
  • Candi DeSousa, Acute Care - Small Facilities

In addition to BCNU members, the NBA Provincial Bargaining Committee includes representatives from other unions in the NBA:

  • Nicole McIntosh, Member Representative, Health Sciences Association of BC
  • Colette Barker, Staff Representative, Health Sciences Association of BC
  • Carol Kenzie, Representative and Small Union Spokesperson, Hospital Employees Union

Together, the bargaining committee members will represent the collective priorities of nurses at the bargaining table and work hard on your behalf.

Committee Responsibilities

Committee members have several key responsibilities throughout the bargaining process, including:

  • Prioritizing bargaining proposals on behalf of members across sectors
  • Evaluating and responding to employer proposals – deciding whether to accept, reject, or counter with new proposals
  • Present proposed terms of settlement to NBA members for ratification 

These tasks require collaboration, strategic thinking, and a deep understanding of the challenges nurses face in their workplaces. The work of the committee is critical to ensuring that the voices of nurses are represented and that negotiations focus on meaningful improvements to working conditions and patient care.


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