Delegates Debate Bylaws & Resolutions

Passionate debate continued on Friday morning as members reviewed proposed amendments to existing bylaws.
Members voted in favour of an amendment to Bylaws Article 12 – Discipline adding new language to the address complaints The bylaws article now includes examples of what an early alternative dispute resolution process or settlement - mediation, mediation-arbitration, expedited arbitration, or full arbitration. It also requires that new language about complaints be added to the bylaw. This language addresses a potential breach of duty by the Respondent(s), dismissal of complaints, and appeals of such dismissals.
Another motion, to amend Bylaws Article 5.04 – Nominations Committee, was carried by members. The adopted amendment adds language regarding alternate members.
Convention delegates also voted on four resolutions brought forward on Convention Day 3. Resolution 1 called for an additional seat on the Resolutions Committee for an HR&E Caucus Member, and this motion was carried. Resolution 2 followed, calling to add an historical advisor position on Provincial Council, however the resolution was defeated.
Bursaries were at the heart of the Resolution 3, calling for five annual bursaries valued at $1,000 each to be awarded to internationally educated student nurses. This motion was carried by members.
Resolution 4 called for the dissolution of the Men In Nursing Caucus which inspired discussion amongst delegates. This motion was defeated.
All of the amendments to the constitution and bylaws document will take effect immediately following the adjournment of convention.