Bargaining Committee Report

The recently negotiated 2022-25 Nurses’ Bargaining Association collective agreement contains unprecedented compensation gains and hundreds of millions of dollars in funding agreements that will benefit all nurses in BC.
Members of the union’s provincial bargaining committee took to the podium on day two of BCNU’s annual convention to answer delegates’ questions about the work that went into the new provincial contract.
“We listened to members’ concerns and used them to set priorities nearly a year in advance of the start of bargaining,” said BCNU President Aman Grewal in response to a question about how bargaining priorities were established. Grewal reminded delegates that the union solicited member input through two province-wide surveys and 16 regional bargaining conferences.
“Every single contract item was thoroughly debated, back and forth, in and out, upside down,” said bargaining committee member Roy Hansen when asked how the committee responded to health employer proposals. “Once language was fine-tuned, the bargaining committee voted on all proposals and counterproposals. Nothing was accepted or counter-proposed until our team reached a majority through voting,” he added.
All committee members agreed that the bargaining process was not easy but nevertheless rewarding. “The experience included anger and fun, and we faced challenges and hard work,” remarked committee member Annelise Henderson. “And yes, I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”
Grewal reminded delegates that negotiations for the next contract could begin as early as next year. “We hope you all consider running for a position on the bargaining committee during our next round,” she said.