Members Debate Bylaws

There was lively discussion on the first two days of Convention 2023 as delegates debated proposed amendments to BCNU’s Constitution and Bylaws.
Members voted against proposed amendments to Bylaws Articles 3 and 4, which would have reduced the number of regional council members on BCNU Council from 20 to 16 or replaced the 20 the regional council members serving the board with seven area council members.
Delegates also defeated a proposed bylaw amendment that would have reduced the number of Provincial Executive Committee positions from five to three and delegated the work of the two executive councillor positions to BCNU staff.
Delegates voted in favour of an amendment to Bylaws Article 1 that widens the remedial actions available to Council when addressing problematic member behaviour.
Delegates defeated a proposed amendment to Bylaws Article 5 where, beginning in 2024, steward experience would be an eligibility requirement for any candidate running in a union election, and candidates running Provincial Executive Committee positions would require at least one year of experience as a regional council member, regional executive committee member, full-time steward, enhanced disability management program rep or regional steward-at-large.
An amendment to Article 8 to clarify that only BCNU Council can call annual conventions of the union was carried.