Delegates Debate Resolutions

Debate continued on day three of convention and saw members voting on 10 resolutions.
Members voted in favour of an amended resolution to align BCNU provincial council compensation with the highest NBA wage rate, and that regional council members be paid the new regular premium and premiums similar to those in Appendix W of the NBA collective agreement.
Delegates voted in favour of a resolution that calls on BCNU to lobby the BC College of Nurses and Midwives and health employers to provide individualized, trauma-informed, culturally competent, and collaborative care that is confidential, supports recovery and harm reduction, and offers avenues for nurses to remain at or return to work.
Delegates voted in favour of a resolution calling on BCNU to lobby the provincial and federal governments to allow for the provision of a regulated system of safe drug supply for individuals who currently rely on the illegal drug market. They also carried a resolution directing the union to lobby the provincial government to develop a system of mental health and addiction treatment and recovery services that are regulated, evidence-based, economically and geographically accessible, and are available when people are looking for it.
Delegates voted against a resolution directing BCNU to retain an independent auditor to perform a forensic audit on the union’s 2021 and 2022 financial statements by Sept. 1, 2023 or as soon as practical, provide a report to the next annual convention, post restatements to the Member Portal if needed and provide recommendations, including but not limited to the segregation of member representing and non-representing expenses.
Members voted in favour of a resolution requiring all Council members to engage in mandatory diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) education within six months of the start of their term of office.
Delegates carried a resolution directing BCNU to retain two independent individuals to act as an Integrity Officer and an Auditor General to assist in the revision of Council’s Code of Conduct and be retained to provide education, advice, information and formal complaint resolution and reporting.
Delegates voted in favour of a resolution that will see salary reimbursement provided for members attending the annual one-day Human Rights and Equity conference. They voted against a resolution requiring that plant-based food be provided at BCNU events, that the most recent Canada Food Guide recommendations and EAT-Lancet guidelines be followed, and that food ingredients be posted where possible.
Delegates voted in favour of a resolution requiring the BCNU Discipline Committee to seek human rights and equity subject matter expertise as needed.