President's Message

Spring is here. It’s a season that brings a sense of renewal and possibility as the days lengthen and warm weather returns. But this spring has been overshadowed by economic threats and attacks on our country’s sovereignty. Despite these challenges, I still have tremendous hope for the future. Why? Because I witness the awesome power of nurses every day. Their power to heal is an example to anyone hoping to make things better.
Building a better future and improving our health-care system is what provincial contract negotiations are all about. Since last fall, BCNU has been hard at work preparing for the next round of Nurses’ Bargaining Association contract talks. In the past five months we’ve hosted regional bargaining conferences in every health authority, a human rights and equity bargaining conference and a Feb. 26-27 provincial bargaining conference that attracted members from communities across BC. The event saw close to 500 nurses march through downtown Vancouver, on the traditional, ancestral and unceded lands of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh peoples. It was incredibly inspiring to see and hear the public’s support during the rally. I was so proud to see these members – some of whom have never taken part in a rally before – bring their voices and send a powerful message to decision-makers. The voices of BC’s nurses are resonating from health-care worksites to the hallways of the BC Legislature, the offices of health authority CEOs, and are being heard by British Columbians who rely on you for health care.
Conference delegates also elected BCNU representatives to the NBA provincial bargaining committee and job action committee. I want to congratulate the successful candidates and thank the many others who ran for these important positions. As bargaining committee chair, working closely with the committee and NBA Chief Negotiator Jim Gould, I’m ready to roll up my sleeves to bring your experiences to the bargaining table and ensure the government and health employers understand and appreciate the realities working nurses face.
The lived experience of nurses working in the health-care system each and every day is critically important as we continue to work with the health ministry and employers on the implementation of minimum nurse-to-patient ratios. I’m looking forward to seeing ratios roll out in med-surg units across health authorities. This is promising work that will mean better outcomes for patients and safer, more sustainable workplaces for nurses.
BCNU members continue to speak out against unacceptable health and safety conditions in their workplaces, sounding the alarm on violence in health care and forcing media attention on this critical issue. At our November human rights and equity conference, members shared their innovative and powerful ideas about how we can make the union – and the health-care system – more inclusive and safer for people from marginalized communities. Members have been raising the alarm about ongoing ER closures and the need to improve staffing levels to ensure people receive care when they need it. And while much more work is needed, grassroots member advocacy is building the worker power we need to force change.
Global trade challenges and political uncertainty calls for prioritizing health care as a strategy to ensure British Columbia’s economic stability. More than ever, nurses need to recognize their worth and their power. I was honoured to remind policy makers and the media of nurses’ value when the government unveiled the provincial budget in early March. At a time when we can all see the economic threats in front of us, I am reassured to see investments that prioritize key core health-care services and I challenge every member to do their part to fight for what nurses deserve, and advocate for our patients. We cannot have a strong and productive economy if we don’t have an accessible, dependable health-care system.
In the meantime, I encourage all NBA members to stay informed and read our bargaining updates. Take the time to read the bargaining feature in the next issue of Update Magazine, watch for critical information on what is at stake in this round or contract negotiations and share your ideas about bargaining with us by emailing Be sure to attend your regional meetings to hear about the hard work your bargaining committee will be putting in to negotiate the best possible deal for you and your co-workers.
Together, I know we have the power to achieve everything we set out to accomplish. Our collective strength is what fuels our progress, and by standing united, we can and will create the change we need. Let’s keep rolling—strong, determined, and unwavering in our commitment to each other, our patients and to the future of health care.
In solidarity,

Adriane Gear
President, BC Nurses' Union
Annual Report