Tyrel Hawke

Bursary Recipient Profile: Tyrel Hawke RN
" I don’t feel that cost should be a reason to not pursue education, and yet it is a reality for many of us. I am beyond grateful to BCNU for this bursary as it has allowed me to focus more on my research and less on picking up extra shifts to pay my tuition.
Tyrel Hawke has always been passionate about nursing education and how nursing is taught. In 2018, Hawke decided to further his education in the hopes that he can one day improve the preceptorship experiences for students and working nurses. He is currently enrolled in the University of Lethbridge’s part-time Master of Nursing program while also working in ICU and teaching part-time at the College of the Rockies. Hawke is also a BCNU member educator in the East Kootenay region.
The idea of going back to school for a master’s degree was daunting at first due to the time commitment and cost of tuition and travel. When the opportunity to apply for a BCNU Member Education Bursary (MEB) came up, Hawke quickly applied. “I am beyond grateful to BCNU for this bursary as it has allowed me to focus more on my research and less on picking up extra shifts to pay for my tuition.”
The MEB is one of many ways BCNU supports its members. Bursary funds help ease the financial burden of tuition, course fees or materials and provides nurses with the opportunity to change their practice focus, advance their nursing careers or enroll in specialty training courses. Learn more about BCNU’s Member Education Bursary.
“The BCNU is proud to be able to support members with educational bursaries to help them pursue their career goals. We wish Tyrel the best of luck as he completes his degree and pursues his passion of enhancing the nursing education experience.”
- Sharon Sponton, BCNU Bursary Committee Chair
BCNU Education Bursaries
Learn more about our education bursaries:
Member Education Bursary for all members including employed student nurses.
Student Nurse Education Bursary for student LPN, RNs and RPNs who are BCNU student members and aren't currently working as employed student nurses.
Financial Support
Other avenues of financial support:
Humanitarian Mission Fund helps you work in aid projects around the world.
New Nurse Assistance Fund helps internationally-educated and newly graduated nurses qualify to practice and succeed in BC.
Prevention and Assistance Fund for nurses who lose jobs at worksites not directly owned by health authorities (affiliates).
Registered Nurses Foundation of BC offers a number of bursaries available to Student Nurses or Registered Nurses or both.