BCNU's New Education Centre is now open!
President, Gayle Duteil along with past BCNU presidents, elected regional Council members and their executives, local MLAs and other dignitaries participated in an opening ceremony mid-day.
The new education centre offers easy access and many opportunities for all BCNU members across the province to participate in extensive educational programs. Other important services such as support for addressing occupational health and safety issues are now housed in one centralized location.
The concept and budget for the new education centre was initially approved in 2011, after discussions with all delegates at the BCNU Convention in 2010 and 2011, with construction beginning May 2013.
While not LEED certified, the modern state of the art education centre is designed to provide an energy-efficient, comfortable and attractive environment for staff and visitors.
The building is a good investment for the future for BCNU's 43,000 members and increasing membership, while reflecting BCNU's proud past and achievements.
The costs for the new education centre has stayed on budget since conception and the centre will prove to be cost efficient by saving money on booking remote location rentals for educational events and meetings of all kinds.
Over the summer months there will be an open house every Tuesday between 9 and 5 to ensure that all members have the opportunity to tour and view their new building.
As well, members can look forward to a virtual tour of the new education centre which will be posted on the BCNU website in the near future.