Embodying Your Practice Webinar: Armouring Up, Armouring Down

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February 20, 2025
1200 - 1300

Nurses often say they feel like they need to "put on armour" to handle the tough situations they face at work. But if they don’t "take off that armour" after their shift, it can be hard to relax, connect with others, or let go of work stress once they're home. 
On Feb. 20 join somatic educators and Embodying Your Practice co-founders Anita Chari and Angelica Singh at a lunch-hour webinar Armouring Up, Armouring Down - How Survival Strategies Work for YouWhen They Don’t, and What to do About It where they will share simple, practical tips to help you handle these transitions more smoothly.

Contact: Melissa Minter

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