Interior Health 37.5-hour week Implementation Process

February 05, 2013

Phase Two of the IHA implementation process for transition to the 37.5-hour week began February 4th.

All units will receive a copy of the proposed rotations in the next four weeks, whether developed by BCNU members / Rotation Representatives, or by the employer's Rotation Specialists. The unit manager will date stamp the rotation on the day it is posted in the unit, and members will have ten days to provide feedback. Feedback may include suggesting a proposed shift be altered or the creation of a new rotation by the members, using the criteria noted in the posted schedule.

Any changes are to be resubmitted to the manager to review and forwarded to finance for final approval.

Should two rotations meeting the criteria be developed and approved by the manager, members will vote to determine which rotation to implement. Fifty percent plus one of all votes cast determines the rotation.

Members who wish to attempt to create their own rotations within the ten day window can access support from the union Rotation Representatives (RRs). These RRs can assist in answering questions, verifying rotation calculations and ensuring compliance with Provincial Collective Agreement language.

Following final approval, the manager will notify members of the date for the line selection process. The line selection process will be completed in seniority order. Members who will be away on the date the selections occur should ensure the manager (or a co-worker) has a written note identifying the member's choices, ranked first, second, third, etc.

Regular full-time members must choose full-time lines. Regular part-time members must choose lines with the 0.08 FTE of their current position. Should there be no positions meeting these criteria, members affected will have their displacement options as per the Provincial Collective Agreement. Displaced members will still be able to choose a vacant line if one is available.

March 29th is the date identified to begin the new 37.5-hour rotations.

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