Nurses condemn decision to close Victoria youth custody centre

May 14, 2014
The BC Nurses' Union is decrying the closure of the Victoria youth custody centre, which was suddenly announced by the provincial government April 28th.

"The BCNU believes this decision is a mistake and one which could have profound impacts on these vulnerable youth," says Vice President Christine Sorensen.

The facility temporarily houses youth who have been ordered by the court to serve time in custody. About 15 boys live in the facility and they will now be shipped off to larger facilities in Vancouver and Prince George.

The government says it can no longer afford to keep the youth jail open. But nurses question: what about the high price these children will pay?

Youth often show up at the centre ill or injured and need immediate assessment by a healthcare provider. "Nurses are concerned some of these youth will slip through the cracks physically and mentally because they'll be spending more time travelling to other cities and in holding cells," says Sorensen.

Additionally, she says, the youth will lose valuable connections to their communities and families.

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