Patients' families speak out at BC Nurses' Union Town Hall in Nanaimo

May 06, 2014
More than 100 people turned out for a Town Hall information session on patient care presented by the BC Nurses' Union Monday night in Nanaimo.

"Appalled" by care at Nanaimo Hospital

Denise Matthews told the crowd her mother has suffered tremendously since a new care model has gone into effect at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital.

"I think it's absolutely appalling and I'm outraged as a taxpayer," said Matthews, in tears, as she described how her mother has been treated.

The new model of patient care was introduced in Nanaimo eight months ago. Nurses are being replaced by care aides, which has caused the loss of 48,000 nursing hours per year.

Nurses have seen their patient loads double and BCNU President Debra McPherson warned patient safety is at risk.

"When nurses don't have the time to monitor and assess their patients properly, the potential for adverse outcomes - including death - rises," said McPherson.

"It's about cheapening care delivery, but at a potentially devastating cost to patients."

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