Mental Health Support Available for Nurses
BCNU members now have greater access to a wide range of mental health and wellness support initiatives thanks to Starling Minds, a BC company offering online health and wellness tools, as well as the government of BC.
Starling Minds helps individuals improve their wellbeing with digital mental health programs. The COVID-19 pandemic can increase levels of stress, anxiety and depression and in recognition of this, Starling Minds has made their digital mental health program available for free during the pandemic. Full details can be found here.
The provincial government has also announced funding to expand existing mental wellness programs and launched additional services to support all British Columbians during the COVID-19 pandemic.
These enhanced virtual services are available to all British Columbians and focus on lessening the stress and anxiety felt regarding mental health, financial concerns and changing working conditions.
A full list of the new and expanded provincial supports and services can be found here.
Additional resources created specifically to support front-line health care workers:
- The Mobile Response Team (MRT) is working to support the mental well-being and psychological safety of front-line health-care workers, specifically home-care and long-term care workers, who are experiencing exponential distress and mental health concerns in response to COVID-19. Contact the MRT at 1 888 686-3022 or email:
- The British Columbia Psychological Association has created online supports to help front-line healthcare workers cope with any psychological effects they may be experiencing. Full details can be found here.
- On April 20, The Canadian Mental Health Association - BC Division will expand its online resources to include information to improve psychological and social supports and provide strategies to help front-line workers. Full details here.
- In May, the Canadian Mental Health Association - BC Division, SafeCareBC and other health partners are launching a phone and text-based peer support service, staffed by former long-term care and home support workers, to provide confidential emotional support to current workers, and referrals to other services and supports. Full details here.