Dates Confirmed for Provincial-level Union Meetings

February 16, 2022

Council announces October and November dates for provincial bargaining conference and annual convention

Frequently Asked Questions

BCNU is pleased to announce two new dates for the following provincial-level union events:

  • The provincial bargaining conference will take place October 3 to 5, 2022 at the Vancouver Convention Centre.
  • The annual BCNU convention will be held November 2 to 4, 2022 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Vancouver.

The scheduled dates were confirmed following the provincial health officer's February 15, 2022, announcement of the gradual reopening of the province. Both events will take place in-person.

The needs of the entire membership remain the union's top priority. The decision to move these meetings to later in the year recognizes the staffing pressure and instability that has landed directly on members.

In addition to staffing pressures on the health-care system, the transmissibility of COVID-19 has also had a direct impact on BCNU staff capacity, which has proved to be a significant consideration when planning these important events. BCNU has an obligation to ensure members' dues are spent responsibly. In doing so, Council has seriously weighed the risk of further postponements and agreed that the loss of non-refundable deposits associated with venue booking would not be reasonable.

This unanimous decision from Council is strategically tied to our approach to bargaining. Ensuring the physical and psychological health of BCNU members in the short term will allow for more focused provincial gatherings. President Aman Grewal and interim CEO Jim Gould look forward to meeting with members and activists face-to-face in the fall.

The postponement of the provincial bargaining conference will in no way impact the union's negotiating position. Likewise, the hosting of the annual convention later in the year will not impede the business of the union. Submission deadlines for proposed resolutions and constitution and bylaw amendments will be announced at a later date.

BCNU stands in solidarity with all members and is committed to providing support and ongoing opportunities to connect with all regions across the province.

For more information, please contact your local steward or regional council member.

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about Provincial Bargaining Conference are answered here.

What happens at the convention?
Who made the decision to reschedule the convention and why?
Why can’t we do the convention virtually?
When is the convention going to happen?
I have already been elected at my regional meeting to attend the convention as a delegate. Will I need to go through the process to be elected again?
I have already been selected by my region and have been granted union leave to attend the convention from my employer. Now what?

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