College Fee Reimbursement Update for NBA Members

July 28, 2023

Reimbursements by employers will not be affected by leave, no change to practising status needed

The Health Employers Association of BC (HEABC) has confirmed on behalf of Nurses’ Bargaining Association (NBA) employers that the BC College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM) registration and licensing fees for NBA members will be reimbursed in full whether a nurse is currently on leave or intends to take a leave this year. Any fees reimbursed by employers will not have to be returned.

In addition, should a member require a lengthy leave in 2023, they will not be required to convert to non-practising status. BCNU recommends nurses continue to keep their practising status during leaves to avoid delays in reinstatement or conversion of status.

For members who work for multiple employers, the following applies:

  • Employed at two or more health authorities/Providence Health Care (PHC), apply for reimbursement from the employer you work for most.
  • Employed at one or more health authority/PHC and one or more affiliate employer, apply for reimbursement at the health authority/PHC they work at most.
  • If a nurse only works at one or more affiliate employer, apply at the affiliate they work at most.

2022-2025 NBA Provincial Collective Agreement

As negotiated by the NBA and HEABC in the 2022-2025 NBA provincial collective agreement, employers will reimburse members their annual college registration fee for the 2023 registration year and onward. For 2023, the prescribed BCCNM fee is $600.24. The reimbursement does not apply to the additional cost of the Canadian Nurses Protective Society (CNPS), association membership fee or any other ancillary fee.

Frequently asked questions around the current provincial collective agreement are available behind the BCNU Member Portal.

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