College Reimbursement Processes Being Established; Retroactive Pay Underway
Members reminded to watch for more information from their employers
BCNU is pleased to hear that steps are being taken by employers to begin the reimbursement of members' college registration fees, as well as pay retroactive premiums. The Nurses' Bargaining Association (NBA) continues to press employers to complete the process of all retroactive payments, including wages.
Article 57.05 of the 2022-2025 NBA Provincial Collective Agreement now states that employers will reimburse all NBA members the full cost of their BC College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM) registration fee for the 2023 registration year and onwards. The reimbursement does not apply to the additional cost of the Canadian Nurses Protective Society, professional liability insurance, association membership fee or any other ancillary fees.
BCNU has been advised that employers have established processes for members to submit for their college reimbursement and have started communicating out to their respective employees. All members are asked to watch for more information from their respective employers in the coming weeks and are encouraged to follow up with their employer for updates regarding timing and processes.
Frequently asked questions around the 2022-2025 NBA Provincial Collective Agreement are available behind the BCNU Member Portal. Review the wage grids, updated to reflect the Year 15-30 Add Pay to recognize nurses at 15-, 20-, 25- and 30-year career milestones.