Committee Reviewing Election-Related Complaints From Members
This bulletin is issued by the BCNU Nominations Committee.
The Nominations Committee has been overwhelmed with election-related complaints from BCNU members.
We remain committed to treating meritorious complaints with the careful consideration needed to ensure a free and fair election.
‘Meritorious’ election complaints are those accompanied by specific information that, if no contradictory information was available, shows an infringement of an election-related rule or policy. In other words, meritorious complaints are accompanied by evidence, not by speculation or unsubstantiated assumptions.
Please help the Nominations Committee protect the integrity of the election process by only submitting a complaint that is meritorious. Due to the workload of the Nominations Committee, it is also necessary to remind that sanctions or consequences may be issued against any BCNU member who submits a frivolous or vexatious complaint.
Thank you to all BCNU members for your anticipated cooperation in helping ensure a free and fair election. Please direct any related questions to