Interim Nominations Committee Members Appointed

January 24, 2023

Candidates selected by lottery from pool of Regional Nomination Representatives

The BCNU Nominations Committee has recently accepted the resignation of two members, leaving the group unable to meet the minimum number of members necessary to conduct its business (quorum). For the Nominations Committee, quorum is three.

As per BCNU’s Constitution and Bylaws Article 5.04, vacancies on the Nominations Committee should be filled first by the alternates to the Nominations Committee. Regrettably, there were no alternates of the Nominations Committee to draw upon.

According to Article 5.04(e), in the event the Nominations Committee is unable to reach quorum, interim appointments will be chosen from the existing Regional Nominations Representative pool as outlined in the Policies and Procedures, notably Policy 5.4.7. This policy states that up to three Regional Nominations Representatives will be selected by lottery draw to become interim Nominations Committee members. 

The process outlined in Policy 5.4.7 resulted in the appointment of two interim Nominations Committee members to fill the vacancies. The process was overseen by independent legal support of the Nominations Committee. Regions where the two interim committee members were drawn from have been informed and will be assisted with filling their interim regional nomination representative vacancies.

The Nominations Committee consists of:

  • Will Chambers, Chair
  • Paulina Iturra, Vice Chair
  • Crystal Ferreira

Role of the Nominations Committee

Every three years, delegates at the union’s annual convention vote for five members to serve on BCNU’s Nominations Committee. The role of the committee is to oversee the union’s elections and assume responsibility for a fair and transparent election process. Members cannot hold a union position above that of a worksite steward nor state a political preference or endorse in any way a candidate in any provincial or regional BCNU election.

The Nominations Committee also determines candidate eligibility, investigates member or candidate complaints received during a campaign or election period and makes decisions and recommendations for corrective action to ensure inclusive and culturally safe election processes that are sensitive to the needs and concerns of all BCNU members.

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