Privacy Breach Targets Server at Health Employers Association of BC
Union very concerned; possible that some members' personal information may have been compromised
The Health Employers Association of BC (HEABC) announced today that thousands of health-care workers’ personal information has been compromised in a data breach targeting a server that hosts three of its health professional service websites.
The incident does not impact health records or other services.
BCNU is unaware of the number of members who may have been affected by the breach. Those who have been impacted can expect to receive an email from HEABC informing them of the resources available to them, including access to free credit monitoring services. HEABC is working with third-party cyber security experts to resolve the issue.
The breach occurred between May 9 and June 10 and targeted a server that hosts the websites and application forms for Health Match BC, the province’s professional recruitment service for physicians, registered nurses and allied health professionals; Locums for Rural BC, which administers rural locum programs; and the BC Care Aide and Community Health Worker Registry. Included in this are applications to the Internationally Educated Nurse (IEN) Bursary Program, which provides nurses who are pursuing registration with the BC College of Nurses and Midwives with financial support and assistance.
The union will be working diligently to ensure that any of our union members impacted by this incident receive the resources that are being offered by HEABC, including credit monitoring, identity theft insurance, and social media and dark web scanning.
To learn more about the incident, visit the HEABC website.
Members can contact their regional council member if they have concerns.