Supporting Nurses in a Time of Conflict
Union calls on all parties to respect and protect access to health care
BCNU is an organization committed to advancing the health, safety and well-being of its members and communities. The union has made a foundational commitment to an ethic of care and creating equitable, culturally safe, anti-racist and inclusive work environments. We recognize that many members are experiencing profound grief and suffering as they witness the ongoing violence in Israel and Gaza that has devastated the lives of many, both in the region and abroad.
We are deeply saddened by this ongoing devastation. BCNU wishes to express its support for and solidarity with nurses and health-care workers who continue to deliver emergency care amid the conflict to all who need it regardless of ethnicity, race, religion or political affiliation.
We acknowledge the risks these nurses and health-care workers are taking to their personal safety and support today’s call by the World Health Professions Alliance for all parties to the conflict in Israel and Gaza to respect their legal obligations under international humanitarian law to protect and respect access to health care and ensure the safety of civilians and health-care workers. We also call for immediate cessation of any acts that risk the lives of civilians or health workers. Access to health is a human right and any attack on health-care workers and the patients they serve is abhorrent and unacceptable.
BCNU joins the International Council of Nurses (ICN) in solidarity with nurses across the globe who are working on the front lines during conflict situations. We are immensely proud of their courage and strength as they continue to provide much-needed care despite the dangers. To support these nurses, ICN has launched a #NursesforPeace campaign to call for peace, condemn attacks on health care, and support nurses on the front lines. Learn more at
We encourage those members who may be struggling with the gravity of the unfolding conflict to seek support through their workplace Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) counselling services.