Union Issues Payment Demand Letters to Three Health Authorities

September 29, 2023

Employers given October 6 deadline to implement NBA collective agreement provisions or risk further action

BCNU has issued a strong warning to three provincial health employers who continue to delay nurses’ compensation that was negotiated as part of the terms of the 2022-2025 Nurses’ Bargaining Association (NBA) provincial collective agreement.

Yesterday union president Adriane Gear sent payment demand letters to Vancouver Coastal Health, Providence Health Care and Interior Health to demand the immediate implementation and payment of outstanding premiums and wages by Oct. 6.  All other health authorities have either completed their payment schedules or intend to by Oct. 6.  

The letters were sent after the Health Employers’ Association of BC advised BCNU that certain health authorities have no intention of implementing Step 10 wage rate increases until the end of October, nor of paying improved premiums until late November.

The premiums apply to all regular members and the wage increase applies to full-time stewards, stewards-at-large, and enhanced disability management program representatives.

BCNU is once again turning up the volume on this critical issue that it first reported in August and is pressuring health employers to honour the terms of the contract it signed.

The 2022-2025 NBA provincial collective agreement contains the largest pay increases in over a decade through higher general wages and shift premiums. However, it has been more than five months since the agreement was ratified and members continue to wait for their employers to implement the contract and pay them what they are owed. Now is the time for the health authorities to process the increases and put these hard-earned wages and premiums into the pockets of nurses.

Members are asked to inform their regional council member if they do not receive these payments by Friday, Oct. 6.

BCNU will continue to advocate on members’ behalf regarding retroactive payments and will provide updates as developments occur.

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