NBA Collective Agreement Wage Increase Includes Cost-of-Living Adjustment

March 21, 2024

Three percent wage increase is effective April 1

Members covered under the Nurses’ Bargaining Association (NBA) provincial collective agreement will receive a wage increase of three percent, effective April 1. This includes both the two percent general wage increase (GWI) and an additional one percent cost-of-living (COLA) adjustment increase for year three of the 2022-2025 contract. The COLA adjustment is in recognition of the inflationary pressures facing all workers today.

Together with other contract improvements to overall compensation, this final wage increase makes NBA members the highest paid nurses within the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions.

In addition to receiving a general wage increase of 13 percent over the three-year agreement, NBA members now access an expanded wage grid that recognizes and compensates nurses for service beyond nine years. They also receive enhanced shift premiums and special allowances, and full college registration fee coverage (excluding practice insurance). For many members with more than nine years of experience, the gains in wages and premiums amount to an increase in net income of between 20 and 40 percent or more, depending on designation and years of experience.

Updated wage grids are available on the BCNU website. The special wage rate schedules for Pine Free Clinic Nurses have also been updated.

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