Regional Reps Elect Provincial Human Rights and Equity Caucus and Network Chairs

March 21, 2024

Successful candidates set to take on leadership roles to help create safe and inclusive workplaces for all

BCNU congratulates the new chairs of its human rights and equity (HRE) caucuses and networks, who were elected by their regional representatives. The following members will serve in the positions until the end of 2026:


Indigenous Leadership Circle Sherry Ridsdale
LGBTQ Courtney Blake
Mosaic of Colour Peter Gill
Workers with Disabilities  Kelly Woywitka


Men in Nursing Manny Singh
Young Nurses' Network Michael Woywitka

HRE caucuses and networks help BCNU members connect socially, share with each other about challenges they face and take action to advocate for change. The groups’ collaborative work takes an intersectional approach highlighting the importance of recognizing how union members’ identities have multiple dimensions that must be considered to create safe, welcoming, equitable and inclusive workplaces for all.

To learn more, visit the Human Rights and Equity page.




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