Union Settles LPN Grievances with Provincial Health Employers

May 09, 2024

Outstanding disputes over vacation, sick leave and severance resolved for LPNs integrated into the NBA

A settlement agreement was reached between the Nurses’ Bargaining Association (NBA) and the Health Employers Association of BC on March 14 that clarifies contract entitlements enjoyed by licensed practical nurses (LPNs) who were previously members of other bargaining associations.

The LPNs covered by the agreement were integrated into the NBA on April 15, 2013, and transitioned into the NBA provincial collective agreement on May 20, 2016. Following the transition, disputes arose regarding employers’ proper application and calculation of service and service-related benefits, such as severance eligibility, vacation entitlement and sick leave payout. The parties previously agreed that LPNs who lost service with their employer after resigning or being terminated (without cause) between these dates would have their lost service fully reimbursed or retroactively reinstated.

The March 14 agreement resolves all outstanding disputes and confirms that NBA LPNs who were previously members of the Facilities Bargaining Association (FBA) and/or the Community Bargaining Association (CBA), and who were with the same employer on a continuous and regular basis, will have their service counted towards eligibility for entitlements and time accruals. This includes service that may have been previously ported, transferred or otherwise recognized by the employer.

Read the full agreement for details on severance eligibility, vacation entitlement and sick leave payout.

How Retired LPNs May Participate in the Settlement

The 40 percent sick leave payout provisions of the settlement agreement also include retired LPNs who previously filed a grievance and LPNs who have not filed a grievance. Members of the latter group must have retired since May 20, 2016, and can apply to their former employer to receive the payout. Applications must be filed no later than 5 p.m. PST on Dec. 1, 2024.

How the Settlement Will Be Implemented

For those who have already filed a grievance, there is no further action to take. The terms of the agreement will be applied accordingly. Those who have retired since May 20, 2016 and believe they qualify for the sick leave payout must apply through their employer or former employer, prior to the deadline above.

For more information on how to apply, please contact human resources at their employer or former employer for more information. Members can also reach out to their BCNU steward.

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