Budget 2025 Takes Steps to Protect Health Care System

March 04, 2025

Capital spending reinforces need for specific retention and recruitment measures

The BC Nurses’ Union (BCNU) is pleased to see continued investments outlined in the provincial budget that aim to bolster BC’s health-care system, including $4.2-billion dollars in health, mental health and addictions care and significant capital investments to deliver necessary infrastructure. Nurses expect funding to further support nurse retention and recruitment and support seniors care and mental health services. These commitments are steps in the right direction, as the union continues to push for more action to improve health care for all British Columbians.

“At a time when we can all see the economic threats in front of us, we’re reassured to see investments in this budget that prioritize key core services, including health care,” says BCNU President Adriane Gear.

The government announced capital spending on infrastructure in the health sector, totaling $15.5-billion dollars over the next three years. The union continues to engage with the Ministry of Health on implementing minimum nurse-to-patient ratios, which are proven to help retain the nurses currently in the system, return nurses back to the bedside and recruit the nurses BC needs in the future.

“Capital investments are promising but need a health human resources strategy to support them,” says Gear. “We would’ve liked to have seen funding earmarked for nurse education seats in our post-secondary institutions across BC.

In the face of global trade challenges and economic uncertainty, BCNU believes prioritizing health care is a clear and strategic choice for British Columbia’s stability.

“We cannot have a strong economy if we don’t have an accessible, dependable health-care system,” says Gear. “Health care isn’t just another budget line. It’s the safety net that holds everything else together.”

To set up an interview, please contact BCNU Communications at media@bcnu.org.

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