Long-Service Pay Increase Application Appeals Process Concludes

March 07, 2025

BCNU and employer representatives heard and reviewed over 400 appeals through the BC Health Care Office of Arbitration

The appeals process established to review applications for long-service pay increases (“add pay”) under the terms of the 2022-2025 Nurses’ Bargaining Association (NBA) provincial collective agreement is now complete.

The process was developed through the BC Health Care Office of Arbitration with the assistance of the Registrar, Lisa Southern and provided nurses an opportunity to appeal employers’ decisions on add pay.

BCNU and Health Employers Association BC representatives heard and reviewed over 400 appeals through the Registrar, and most members have now been advised of the outcome of their appeals through individual letters.

The add pay appeals process was binding, with the Registrar having the jurisdiction to issue a decision.

While many appeals were allowed to proceed, others were unsuccessful due to factors such as timeliness in filing, gaps in nursing practice and concurrent accumulation of seniority hours. The Registrar’s interpretive decisions will inform the parties on all future add pay eligibility and applications.

BCNU representatives worked on the appeals project for several months to ensure a process that was fair to our members and gave an opportunity for a thorough review. With the completion of this process, any future add pay issues or concerns should be addressed by employers’ human resources staff or through consultation with your steward.

For more information, read the Q&A  explaining the appeals the processes and providing further rationale.

Long-service pay language in the current NBA provincial collective agreement was negotiated to recognize nurses with upwards of 15, 20, 25, and 30 years of experience and to retain those nurses with invaluable knowledge and mentorship potential in the health-care system and help address the critical nursing shortage facing the province.

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