BCNU advises members to comply with health authorities' flu policy
Last year an arbitrator's ruling on the influenza policy grievance made it mandatory for health care workers to be vaccinated against influenza or wear a mask during influenza season. The arbitrator's ruling places a legal obligation on BCNU to advise members to comply with health authority immunization policy. Employers may conduct random compliance audits and anyone who is not vaccinated against seasonal flu and not wearing a mask could face disciplinary action.
BC's influenza control program - what you need to know for 2014-15:
- Wash your hands routinely.
- Comply with infection control measures and policies at your workplace.
- Self-reporting of your influenza vaccine status will now use a common web-based form; your health authority will advise you how to access the form, which is "secure and confidential".
- You are required to check a box on the form stating "I certify that I have received my influenza vaccine", which is deemed "the equivalent of a signed statement".
- Employees opting to receive the influenza vaccine from an external provider (doctor or pharmacy) are required to obtain a written record of immunization from the provider, store it in a safe place, and produce it if requested by the employer to do so.
- You are not obligated to report a colleague's non-compliance.
- If you choose not to be vaccinated, ensure you follow applicable masking requirements.
- If you cannot wear a mask or receive a vaccination for medical reasons, seek an accommodation. If your request is unreasonably denied, file a grievance.
- If you experience an adverse reaction from the flu vaccine or from wearing a mask, complete an incident report and file a claim with WorkSafeBC.
- If wearing a mask interferes with your ability to do your job, ask for an exception to the policy.
- If you have influenza symptoms, ensure you follow policies regarding not reporting to work.
Mask-wearing and the potential for violence in the workplace
- BCNU is asking members to conduct point-of-care risk assessments prior to patient interaction in order to identify the potential for violence created by wearing a mask. Stop if a task is unsafe and speak with your manager or supervisor. If unresolved, use your right to refuse unsafe work.
- Inform your steward if your employer is not enforcing the immunization policy consistently. For example, not requiring all unvaccinated staff and visitors to wear a mask.
For more information on BC's influenza control program visit: