NHA 2015 vacation request deadlines for RNs and RPNs moved to October 31
BCNU has been working with the Northern Health Authority (NHA) to select the date by which RNs and RPNs in the Nurses' Bargaining Association (NBA) must submit their 2015 vacation requests. After much discussion with members of the Executive, BCNU and the employer have compromised and have agreed to move the deadline from October 15th to October 31st.
The 2015 vacation submission date must allow adequate time for employees to plan their vacation, and for the NHA to plan for the large influx of visitors, athletes and volunteers for the 2015 Canada Winter Games in Prince George, which BCNU understands is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
The NHA anticipates that health authority employees across the north will want to attend the games, or volunteer for games-related events. RNs and RPNs must submit their 2015 vacation requests according to the following timelines:
- Employees should contact their manager to receive their 2015 vacation allotments
- Vacation requests must be submitted by 5:00pm on Friday, October 31, 2014
- Employees will receive confirmation of their approved 2015 vacation within three weeks of October 31, 2014
These timelines resolve all outstanding grievances on submission dates for 2015 NHA vacation requests.
For more information, please contact:
Robert MacQuarrie, Labour Relations Officer: rmacquarrie@bcnu.org
Sharon Sponton, North West Chair: sharonsponton@bcnu.org
Veronica Lokken, North East Chair: veronicalokken@bcnu.org