Progress Made as LPN Members Move into NBA

November 07, 2016
Interpretation of new language now applicable to LPNs; process for implementation finally reached

The 2014-19 Nurses' Bargaining Association (NBA) Provincial Collective Agreement includes a memorandum of agreement (MOA) dedicated to the inclusion and integration of LPNs into the NBA. Considering this historic change, BCNU has worked closely with employers since ratification to develop a unified strategy for how to implement many of the gains won for LPNs.

Retroactive application of LPN seniority and service - November 25, 2016          

BCNU has negotiated an extension to the deadline for currently employed LPNs to claim retroactive seniority.  

If you are a LPN member who lost seniority as a result of resigning from a position, or being terminated (without cause), you now have until November 25 to complete a Request for Retroactive Seniority form in order to claim seniority lost, retroactive to between April 15, 2013, and May 20, 2016.

This form must be submitted whether or not you have filed a grievance on this issue. For more information on whether or not this scenario applies to you, read our bulletin from June 28, 2016.

Consolidated Certification - January 31, 2017

This change is designed to give LPN members greater job stability and increased opportunity to access the premium benefits they're entitled to (such as overtime and seniority) by consolidating their status and work locations with the health authorities (or Providence Health Care).

Between now and January 31, 2017, LPNs may maintain more than one status at different work sites (for example, regular full-time at one worksite; casual at another) and will be able to use their most advantageous seniority to apply on all health authority-wide vacancies. LPNs will continue to access additional casual shifts using their current seniority until January 31, when seniority will be consolidated. 

By December 16, 2016, LPNs with multiple status (for example, regular full-time at a hospital and casual in community) must let their health authority (or Providence Health Care) know which status they'd like to keep. Beginning January 31, 2017, LPNs will then be identified as their chosen status: regular full-time, regular part-time, or casual.

There is a separate timeline designed to address the transition for employees who hold multiple regular positions that total more than 1.0 FTE (for example, two part-time 0.6 FTE positions at different hospitals in the same health authority, totaling 1.2 FTE). These changes do not come into effect until the spring of 2017.

Benefit Premium Refund for Casual LPNs

Article 11.04(G)(4)(b) of the NBA collective agreement entitles all casual employees to be reimbursed for premiums they have paid for medical, dental and extended health plan coverage if they work 975 hours for the employer over a one year period beginning October 1 of each year. This clause became effective for LPNs on May 20, 2016 (the first pay period following ratification).

  • BCNU and HEABC have agreed that all hours worked for the health authority by a casual between October 1, 2015 and September 30, 2016 will count towards the 975 requirement.
  • Casuals who have met the 975-hour requirement will be reimbursement any benefit premiums they paid between May 20, 2016 and September 30, 2016. 
  • Any casual who believes they qualify but have not been reimbursed by their employer is encouraged to speak to their steward.

LPN Shift Premiums

LPNs will receive the increase in shift and weekend premiums (Article 28 - Shift Premium and Weekend Premium) effective April 1, 2017. The employer will have until April 1, 2017, to ensure LPN work schedules comply with the entitlements of the NBA collective agreement.

  • BCNU and the employer have agreed that the time period of premium eligibility under the previous collective agreement will remain in effect through to March 31, 2017. In other words, the previous hours of the day that specific premiums applied, such as evenings or nights, will also continue until the application of the superior NBA shift premiums on April 1, 2017.
  • This agreement ensures LPNs will not lose any premium eligibility due to different collective agreement provisions related to hours in a day that premiums applied.

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