July/August 2019

Update Magazine July/August 2019 Cover

In this issue

Bonnie Christie shares her journey from despair to hope during nurses' successful push for inclusion in provincial mental injury legislation. BCNU and health employers are taking a new, collaborative approach toward successful NBA contract implementation, and a group of young nurses are working to link climate change and population health.

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Featured Articles
Enabling Sucess - July/August 2019
Enabling Success

BCNU and health employers are taking a new collaborative approach to NBA contract implementation.

Seeing Hope - July/August 2019
Seeing Hope

Bonnie Christie shares her journey from despair to helping other nurses.  

Day in Court - July/August 2019
Day in Court

BCNU-supported patient intervenors finally testify in marathon trial on the future of medicare. 

Stopping the Harm - July/August 2019
Stopping the Harm

Nurses back call for decriminalization of people who use controlled substances.

Climate Warning - July/August 2019
Young Nurses Take Action on Climate Change

Young nurses are highlighting the link between climate change and population health.

UPDATED: Dec 12,2024