HRE Committee Members Meet
Members of BCNU's Indigenous Leadership Circle (ILC) caucus group gathered to discuss issues and propose solutions facing Indigenous nurses across BC.
Members of BCNU’s LGBTQ caucus met for lunch on day two of BCNU Convention 2022. Representatives from Central Vancouver, Fraser Valley, North East, Okanagan Similkameen, Pacific Rim, Richmond Vancouver, Simon Fraser, South Islands, Thompson North Okanagan, and Vancouver Metro met to discuss pending bylaws and resolutions.
BCNU’s Men in Nursing network representatives attended a luncheon to discuss bylaws and resolutions and their role within the union. Several men highlighted that the Men in Nursing group was a gateway to feel more involved in the union.
BCNU Mosaic of Colour caucus members met over lunch on Thursday to hear reports from provincial caucus chair Tracia Batson-Dottin and regional caucus reps. The group identified the need for anti-racism education across all areas of the health-care system and acknowledged the shortcomings of health employers’ current respectful workplace policies. All agreed that BCNU must work to recruit and support more stewards who are persons of colour and have experienced discrimination.
Several future and current members of BCNU's Workers with Disabilities caucus met during BCNU Convention 2022. The caucus discussed how to get involved and what involvement as a representative would look like.
The Young Nurses' Network (YNN) is a safe and welcoming place for any member who is age 35 or younger or has been working as a nurse for five years or less. They met at convention to discuss their work within the union.
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