Members Debate Bylaws

Thursday afternoon saw lively discussion as convention delegates debated proposed amendments to BCNU's Constitution and Bylaws.
Members voted in favour of a bylaw amendment that will require a special election for president to be held whenever there is a vacancy greater than one year. Related election proposals to add a third executive councillor to the Provincial Executive Committee and to require that Provincial Executive Officer candidates have at least one year of experience in any combination of either a Regional Executive Committee Member position or Regional Council Member position were defeated. A proposed amendment that would have seen the Provincial Executive Committee elected by the voting delegates of a convention was also defeated.
Delegates voted in favour of a bylaw proposal to amend Article 7 and hold a human rights and equity caucus bargaining conference prior to provincial contract negotiations, but they defeated a proposal to include an equity seeking representative on the Bylaws Committee.
An amendment to Article 1 was carried requiring any member in an elected position filling a temporary staff position to take a leave of absence from their elected role.
Delegates debated an amendment to Article 12 stipulating the types of early alternative dispute resolution processes that may be used in the event of a complaint and prior to its referral to the Complaints Investigation Committee. Debate was carried over to Day Three.