Convention 2023 - Day 1
President's Report: Nurses are Unstoppable Together

BCNU President Aman Grewal opened the union’s 41st annual convention by speaking about the organization's achievements over the past year, including re-joining the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU), negotiating a new provincial collective agreement and securing a government commitment to fund nurse-patient ratios.
CFNU President Report: "We Know How to Bargain and Represent Our Members"

BCNU convention delegates welcomed special guest Linda Silas on the first day of their annual meeting.
Silas is president of the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU). She began her address by acknowledging the BCNU's more than 48,000 members have re-joined CFNU to unite with nearly 200,000 other unionized nurses and nursing students across the country.
Interim CEO Report: "We Need to Fight Harder Than We Ever Have"

“Nurses are angry and deserve to be angry.” With those words BCNU Interim CEO Jim Gould acknowledged the frustration experienced by members working in short-staffed health-care worksites across the province.
Vice President's Report: "Stewards are the Backbone of our Union"

From grassroots advocacy to worksite campaigns, BCNU Vice President Adriane Gear outlined some of the highlights in her portfolio on the first full day of Convention 2023.
Before she dove in, however, Gear took a moment to recognize the work of BCNU's stewards, who received loud applause for their dedication in their roles.
Provincial Treasurer's Report: "The Union's Financial Position Remains Strong"

One of the most important parts of the union’s annual convention is the report on the organization’s financial standing. BCNU Provincial Treasurer Sharon Sponton took the stage on Tuesday to outline the union’s current financial position.
Sponton reported that interest income on investments increased by $1.86 million in 2022 due to Bank of Canada interest rate hikes. As a result, she said the union’s financial position remains strong.
Executive Councillor Report: "I am Grateful for Your Hard Work"

The opening day of BCNU’s 2023 convention included a report from Aida Herrera, the union’s Executive Councillor for occupational health and safety and mental health. She spoke to delegates about new health and safety language negotiated as part of the Nurses’ Bargaining Association (NBA) collective agreement and acknowledged the invaluable work of the union’s activists and staff.
Executive Councillor Report: "Inflation Adjustments are Great News for Retirees"

BCNU's 2023 convention featured a report from Michelle Sordal, the union's Executive Councillor for pensions and seniors care. She updated delegates about recent Municipal Pension Plan (MPP) design changes, provided details about BCNU's new pension education efforts, and informed them about her advocacy on behalf of seniors and members working in the long-term care sector.
Note: The report from BCNU's Chief Operating Officer Moninder Singh was deferred by the convention delegation due to time constraints. Singh will be travelling to each region to deliver his report in person.