Interim CEO Report: “We Need to Fight Harder Than We Ever Have”

Convention 2023 Day 1 - Jim Gould Featured

“Nurses are angry and deserve to be angry.” With those words BCNU Interim CEO Jim Gould acknowledged the frustration experienced by members working in short-staffed health-care worksites across the province.

But he said the recently negotiated Nurses’ Bargaining Association collective agreement has the potential to make a real difference in the lives of working nurses and the patients in the care.

“The fight starts now,” said Gould, who told all of the activists in attendance on day one of the union’s annual convention that much work lies ahead to ensure the contract is implemented and the provincial government is held accountable on its commitment to nurse-patient ratios.

Gould said he’s now ready to build on the momentum and member engagement the union achieved during NBA bargaining. “Our research team received 15,000 responses to our bargaining survey and I’m proud that over 40,000 votes were cast in the ratification vote.”

He reported that the BCNU’s grassroots campaigns have positively influenced public support for nurses, and will help the union as it begins the work of implementing minimum nurse-patient ratios.

“We are now fighting for x number of nurses to x number of patients,” said Gould. “And while the public is watching, we need to make sure the government keeps its promise.” Gould told delegates that the union is also focused on holding health employers to account to ensure NBA members receive negotiated pay increases. “We don’t care about excuses. We intend to fight so that members are rightfully paid as quickly as possible.”

Gould said he’s now looking forward to ensuring every article in the NBA contract is fully implemented. “We are not taking our foot off the gas, we need to fight harder than we ever have.”



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