BC Nurses Prepare to Set the Stage for Next Round of Collective Bargaining
Hundreds of Interior Health nurses gather in Penticton today for first of a series regional bargaining conferences
Thousands of nurses from across BC will be laying out their top bargaining priorities and expectations over the next few months, as the BC Nurses’ Union kicks off the first of several regional bargaining conferences in Penticton today.
The union is developing its bargaining agenda by holding two-day events with nurses in all six health authorities between now and Jan. 27 to build the collective voice of its membership and set the stage for contract negotiations ahead.
BCNU President Adriane Gear acknowledges the significant gains achieved in the last round of bargaining, including wage increases, new premiums, nurse retention and recruitment incentives to support the implementation of minimum nurse-to-patient ratios, and contract language that advances the principles of diversity, equity and inclusivity as well as strategies to advance cultural safety and address Indigenous-specific racism in the health-care system.
However, she says much more work remains, and nurses are steadfast in their demand for employer-level improvements around workload, occupational health and safety, and better working conditions that allow nurses to focus on what’s most important - providing care for their patients.
“Our union bargaining conferences are an opportunity for attendees to identify common challenges, share experiences and identify key bargaining priorities as we head into Nurses’ Bargaining Association provincial contract negotiations next year," says Gear. "Temporary emergency department closures in communities throughout Interior Health and across the province are yet another example of how nurses are routinely left to make up for employers' lack of resource planning -- a trend that is deeply concerning for nurses who are trying their best to provide care.
The health and safety of nurses continues to fall to the bottom of Interior Health's radar. It’s time for everyone to roll up their sleeves and make health care better in this province, for patients and for nurses.”
Close to 400 nurses from communities across Interior Health will gather in Penticton today and will take part in a lunch-hour rally on Tuesday to highlight their calls for change. Click here for the full regional bargaining conference schedule.
To set up an interview, please contact BCNU Communications at media@bcnu.org